The League has a duty of care to safeguard the wellbeing of all who are involved in Lawn Bowls played under its jurisdiction, and specifically to those in one of the following categories:
- All Junior Players
- defined as those under 18;
- All 'Adults at Risk'
- defined in the Bowls England 'Safeguarding Adults at Risk' Policy document.
The League fulfils its duty of care by subscription and adherence to the relevant Bowls England Safeguarding policies, practices and protocols, as referenced in the League's Safeguarding Policy below.
Relevant documents, including policy documents and forms offered for use by Clubs and their Members under their safeguarding responsibilities, to support any Junior or Adults-at-Risk Members participating in matches/events under the League's jurisdiction are available on the Safeguarding Resources web-page of the Bowls Development Alliance, for Bowls England.