G&F Cup
Each season, the League holds a one-day mixed triples competition, known as the G&F Cup.
This is a one-day, all-day event, typically held on the first Sunday in September and hosted in rotation by one of the constituent Clubs. The host Club may enter four teams (or more by invitation), and each of the other Clubs may enter three (or more by invitation) mixed triples teams, up to a total number of 28 teams, who play a series of matches (limited by time and/or ends) in two leagues, to determine the two league-winning finalist teams who will play-off in the final match to be the Cup winner. The composition of each entered team is only for the day, and does not have to correspond to or be drawn from regular 'colours' league teams in either name or team members; each three-person team must be 'mixed' (at least one person of each gender).
As the logistics of running this one-day event are based on having exactly 28 teams, then in order to minimise the risk of having fewer than 28 team entries to compete on the day, then, new for 2024, clubs are invited to submit 'primary' team entries (as above), plus 'reserve' team entries. If fewer than 28 total 'primary' team entries are received by the cut-off date of Sunday 11 August 2024, submitted 'reserve' teams will then be added, by draw, in order to reach the full 28-team complement, or as close to 28 as possible while maintaining an even number of teams.
In 2024, the event is hosted by Lee-on-the-Solent BC, and held on Sunday 01 September 2024, with first matches starting at 09:30. The full draw is available on this page. Results & Images from the 2024 event are available here.
Dress code is 'greys', with club or white shirts.
Competitions Secretary will invite entries from Clubs during the season.
To Club Secretaries/Treasurers/G&F Reps - 2024 Entry Forms are available below.
Return (soft-copy preferred) required from each club is
- the completed Payment Summary/Remittance Form (same form for each club), and
- one completed Entry Form (regular form for a non-host club; unique form for host club only)
Please select your Club's Entry Form type and Payment Summary/Remittance Form in your preferred format, from the options below.
Latest date for team entries and ('primary team') payment to be received is Sunday 11 August 2024.
Any additional 'reserve' team entries drawn to be included will require a subsequent payment, prior to event day.
Match timings, starting at 09:30, for all the mixed triples teams will be published after all team entries are received/confirmed and the draw is made.
Entry & Payment Summary/Remittance Forms are below:
Entry Forms and Payment Summary/Remittance Form:
In addition to the '.pdf' versions above, editable (.docx) versions of each of the documents are available below for a Club Official wishing to complete a soft-copy form in this way: